Whatever your career path or background you will find colleagues, a supportive firm and opportunities to grow, personally and professionally.

Are you a new lawyer beginning your law career?
The firm is committed to mentoring of new lawyers by providing hands-on experiences. The senior lawyers of the firm have companion careers as teachers; therefore, the ability to effectively mentor new lawyers is an attribute of the firm that many firms do not possess. It is a common experience for new lawyers to meet with clients, take depositions and participate in mediations, hearings or trials in the first year of practice. Additionally, new lawyers typically make presentations to client gatherings and before industry groups throughout Iowa and nationwide.

Are you an established lawyer wanting to bring your practice to a law firm that is energized and positioned for growth?
The firm is particularly well-situated to integrate a lawyer’s existing practice into the practice group format. Providing access to a significant client base creates unique opportunities to cross-sell the lateral lawyer’s skills and experience to the firm’s existing clients. Additionally, the firm has support staff capable of implementing subject matter newsletters, educational seminars and other means of communicating the lateral lawyer’s areas of practice to potential clients. The firm’s lawyers are regularly asked to be speakers by all of the major educational seminar companies in the Midwest.
The firm’s compensation package for lateral lawyers involves a component that financially rewards the lateral lawyer for new clients brought to the firm irrespective of who works the hours.
Finally, the firm’s advanced technology allows lawyers from any part of the state to join the firm without having to move to Cedar Rapids or Des Moines. Cloud-based case management, videoconferencing, phone systems, billing software, e-mail servers and electronic libraries makes the physical relocation of the lateral lawyer unnecessary.

Are you a paralegal who seeks challenging assignments and who wants to be treated as a valued member of the firm?
Paralegals employed by the firm are considered an integral part of the firm’s professional legal team. Paralegals are provided cutting-edge technology to perform their duties. The firm’s paralegals have significant client contact and are expected to help develop and maintain a strong relationship with clients, particularly institutional clients that are located out of state.
Paralegals attend and often present topics at firm seminars for clients. Social interaction with clients almost always involves the firm’s paralegals. The firm’s paralegals often attend hearings, mediations and trials with the lawyer on the file.
Opportunities to work from home or from a remote location are possible with the firm’s advanced technology.

Are you a legal secretary who appreciates the best tools that technology provides and who is always treated with professional respect and courtesy?
Corridorlaw Group believes that legal secretaries are an integral component of our success and view them as an equally important part of the legal team. Legal secretaries of the firm are always treated as legal professionals by the lawyers and paralegals.
Support staff is provided state-of-the-art computers, software and other tools to assist them in their duties.
Opportunities to work from home or from a remote location are possible with the firm’s advanced technology.
Are you a new lawyer beginning your law career?
The firm is committed to mentoring of new lawyers by providing hands-on experiences. The senior lawyers of the firm have companion careers as teachers; therefore, the ability to effectively mentor new lawyers is an attribute of the firm that many firms do not possess. It is a common experience for new lawyers to meet with clients, take depositions and participate in mediations, hearings or trials in the first year of practice. Additionally, new lawyers typically make presentations to client gatherings and before industry groups throughout Iowa and nationwide.
Are you an established lawyer wanting to bring your practice to a law firm that is energized and positioned for growth?
The firm is particularly well-situated to integrate a lawyer’s existing practice into the practice group format. Providing access to a significant client base creates unique opportunities to cross-sell the lateral lawyer’s skills and experience to the firm’s existing clients. Additionally, the firm has support staff capable of implementing subject matter newsletters, educational seminars and other means of communicating the lateral lawyer’s areas of practice to potential clients. The firm’s lawyers are regularly asked to be speakers by all of the major educational seminar companies in the Midwest.
The firm’s compensation package for lateral lawyers involves a component that financially rewards the lateral lawyer for new clients brought to the firm irrespective of who works the hours.
Finally, the firm’s advanced technology allows lawyers from any part of the state to join the firm without having to move to Cedar Rapids. Cloud-based case management, videoconferencing, phone systems, billing software, e-mail servers and electronic libraries makes the physical relocation of the lateral lawyer unnecessary.
Are you a paralegal who seeks challenging assignments and who wants to be treated as a valued member of the firm?
Paralegals employed by the firm are considered an integral part of the firm’s professional legal team. Paralegals are provided cutting-edge technology to perform their duties. The firm’s paralegals have significant client contact and are expected to help develop and maintain a strong relationship with clients, particularly institutional clients that are located out of state.
Paralegals attend and often present topics at firm seminars for clients. Social interaction with clients almost always involves the firm’s paralegals. The firm’s paralegals often attend hearings, mediations and trials with the lawyer on the file.
Opportunities to work from home or from a remote location are possible with the firm’s advanced technology.
Are you a legal secretary who appreciates the best tools that technology provides and who is always treated with professional respect and courtesy?
Corridorlaw Group Iowa, P.C. believes that legal secretaries are an integral component of our success and view them as an equally important part of the legal team. Legal secretaries of the firm are always treated as legal professionals by the lawyers and paralegals.
Support staff is provided state-of-the-art computers, software and other tools to assist them in their duties.
Opportunities to work from home or from a remote location are possible with the firm’s advanced technology.
When asked to summarize how our firm differs from other law firms, we often identify our willingness to share the benefits of “technology, collaboration and innovation” with clients of the firm. Our lawyers have a proven and successful track record in leading all these areas of legal practice.
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Interested in applying for a position now? Please submit a cover letter and resume to: opportunities@scheldrup.com