Why Us


Corridorlaw Group Iowa, P.C. is a new law firm consisting of lawyers who have a long history of providing legal services throughout Iowa in an innovative, efficient and no-nonsense manner. Our lawyers have a proven and successful track record in leading all these key areas of the legal practice. Additionally, our lawyers have experience that most lawyers do not. Having represented clients in thousands of cases from California to New York, the depth and breadth of our experience stands alone when compared to most other lawyers in Iowa.


When asked to summarize how our firm differs from other law firms, we often identify our willingness to share the benefits of “technology, collaboration and innovation” with clients of the firm. The firm’s lawyers believe that early proactive handling of legal disputes is the best way to succeed in our current legal environment. Collaboration between lawyers and highly trained paralegals is required to serve the interests of clients in the most cost-effective way, and it is the hallmark of the firm’s case-processing approach. This sharing often results in quicker resolution of claims with fewer distractions and less cost to our clients.

Hard Work

Whether your need is for us to develop programs and procedures to reduce your exposure for workers’ compensation or OSHA claims, extricate your business or you personally from difficult legal situations or ensure maximum recovery for personal injuries or financial damage, lawyers at Corridorlaw Group Iowa, P.C. are always well-prepared to creatively and effectively resolve these legal issues favorably for our clients or gear up, if necessary, to aggressively take on the resulting battles to successful conclusion. Most importantly, we know that successfully representing clients cannot be done right without hard work, plain and simple.


Our lawyers have a proven and successful track record in leading all these key areas of the legal practice. Most importantly, we know that successfully representing clients cannot be done right without hard work, plain and simple.

Work Place Injury Law

Divorce & Family Law

Civil Litigation & Personal Injury



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    Whether your need is for us to develop programs and procedures to reduce your exposure for workers’ compensation or OSHA claims, extricate your business or you personally from difficult legal situations or ensure maximum recovery for personal injuries or financial damage, lawyers at Corridorlaw Group Iowa, P.C. are always well-prepared to creatively and effectively resolve these legal issues favorably for our clients or gear up, if necessary, to aggressively take on the resulting battles to successful conclusion.